Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We Have Arrived!

After a 2 hour bus ride, 15 1/2 hours of flying, and 7 hours in an old van, we have arrived safely but tired at our SDA school in Ibrahimpatnam. Here we are in Hyderabad.

We are staying in the guest rooms of the South Andhra Section on the campus of the school. We have unheard of luxuries--a real shower with hot water (sometimes), a washing machine, a refrigerator, and a toilet that flushes! We have the usual accompanyments, too--large cockroaches, dust, tiny tropical ants. The conference workers here have been wonderful, and we are settling in. It was so good to see our friends. We are eating in the screened in cafeteria of the Bible worker training school on the campus. The "kitchen" is rather basic, to say the least, but the food is good.

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