Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More on the Meetings

In spite of 15-20 minute nightly power outages, the meetings have been going so well! We've been packed every night since Sabbath. There are even more people who want to come from the villages, but there are not enough autocabs. We may have to rent more--we don't want to have some left behind. As it is, they are packing twenty villagers into each vehicle that may possibly hold 6 average adults! You should see and hear the villagers sing our action songs! Such enthusiasm! It's wonderful to watch our young team members in action (I know Josh, Eric and Josh are men, but they'll always be our "Kids"!). Leigh and both Josh's did children's stories: Julianna and Eric had health talks, and Josh L. gave a tremendous sermon on salvation. Everyone pitches in wherever needed--singing, praying, teaching new songs. We have the best youth!

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