Friday, January 20, 2012

Miscellaneous Amazing Stuff!!

It's amazing how God works! We found out just last night, the "rest of the story" that began 6 years ago when we held meetings in India in the Guntur area. Toward the end of the meetings, we had the happy realization there was some money left over. We wondered what to do with it. That night, a mother came to Harry with the recent CT scan of her daughter, Sunita's brain. She had a huge tumor, and was given only a month to live without surgery, which she of course could never afford. The poor lady's husband had abandoned her when she became sick, and had left her with 2 young boys. Harry went with her to the neurosurgeon and paid for her operation and hospitalization from our leftover money. After we got home, the doctor e-mailed us that the surgery had gone well, and the woman would live. A year later, Pastor Phil and Brenda Johnson began sponsoring a boy from that area named Prudvhi. Each time we visited Ibrahimpatnam school, we would see him and 2 others sponsored by NNEC folks. Now he is 15, and can speak English. Last night he and a friend were talking with us, and he shyly mentioned his mother had had brain surgery that we had paid for! As a 9 year old he had prayed fervently to God to save his mother. "He answered my Prayer!", he told us. His mother was Sunita! The Lord had it all planned before we ever set foot in India that year!! We were blown away by that!

We also got to see the 2 girls sponsored by Nell Davies, and the girl sponsored by the Badillo's (pictured above).

While we were visiting at the school, Harry spotted a boy with his feet literally bursting out of his torn shoes One of our friends (you know who you are!) gave us $50 to spend in India as needed. Harry gave $10 to the lady in charge to get him a new pair. By the next morning, Raju proudly showed Harry his new shoes, socks and flip-flops! That was money well spent! (Pictures above)

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to be able to know "the rest" of that story! Think how many more there will be to hear in heaven! :) Thanks for keeping us posted! Love & prayers, Beth
