Friday, January 27, 2012

Riding on a Bull Cart!

We drove about 45 minutes on a rough road through fields of tobacco, cotton and newly sprouted grain to S. Amaravarum. They met us on the outskirts of the village with garlands and two decorated bull carts! We were then carried into the village on the carts to the beat of a drum and much fanfare! That's not something that happens often in Maine!!

This small village is about 70% Adventist, and needs a Bible worker home built next to the church. We plan to do this as part of this year's project. The homes are not visible from the road--low, thatched roof "porches" in front hide them. It was a bit tricky for our tall guys to stoop low enough to go in!

The other photos are of us passing out Beanie Babies in the church and praying with the people in their homes.

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